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Will you be rushing to the store after reading this or do you think it's too early to start thinking about Sinterklaas? The first bags of the spiced nuts were spotted in supermarkets this week.
The spiced nuts have been appearing in supermarkets for several years now until the end of August, but some people on social media are still wondering if the spiced nuts won't be appearing even earlier than usual this year. The treats have been spotted in various branches of Albert Heijn and Kruidvat.
enthusiastic supermarket managers
“Nuts are always available in our stores in the last week of August or the first week of September,” answers the Albert Heijn spokesman. “But it is of course possible that an enthusiastic supermarket manager puts them on the shelves earlier.”
Several enthusiastic supermarket managers have already put the spiced nuts in store. And on social media, people are sharing photos from Groningen, Rotterdam, Utrecht and more.
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Although August is not over yet, according to the spokesperson, nothing has changed from previous years. “We are just providing guidelines for putting ginger nuts on the shelves. They will be available everywhere in stores starting next week.”
crwednote poll
The so-called “kruidnoten referendum” has been available on the Bolletje website for some time, so that consumers can vote for themselves whether they think kruidnoten should be on the shelves earlier, later or maybe even all year long. You can also indicate that you are completely satisfied with the current situation. There is no result yet.
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