The outer loop of the A10 south towards Utrecht will be closed to traffic this weekend. A new phase of the Zuidasdok project will start on Friday evening: the reconstruction of the De Nieuwe Meer intersection.
“It is an important moment because the first work abroad will already start at the end of next week.” Ferdinand Bockhoudt – project manager of Zuidasdok Junctions – is looking forward to it. “We have been working on the road at South Station for a number of years, but now we will actually start on the road. Firstly, we will be replacing the peak hour lane on the A10 South with a permanent lane. That is why work is needed this weekend.”
Work next weekend is a prelude to the full reconstruction of the A10 South. The number of lanes will be increased from four to six in each direction: four for transit traffic and two for people who need to be in the city. To achieve this, fourteen existing bridges will be renovated and a new flyover bridge will be built connecting the A4 motorway to the A10 south. There will also be noise barriers and quieter asphalt will be used.
The Schinkel Bridge currently consists of five bridges that can be opened (two for cars, two for trains, and one for the metro); That would be eight.
Zuidasdok still faces a deficit in the hundreds of millions. The total cost of the project is now estimated at 4.7 billion euros. Due to a lack of funds, it now appears that the A10 South option can only go underground in one direction, according to a letter from councilor Reinier van Dantzig (Urban Development). “Because there is currently insufficient budget, no order can be issued for the construction of the northern tunnel,” Van Dantzig wrote. He added: “A decision must be made regarding the implementation and financing of the northern tunnel at a later time.”
Bockhoudt says the reconstruction of the De Nieuwe Meer intersection is not in danger. “We have the necessary amount for this project in cash. It is actually a political discussion, isn't it? It is still up to the politicians whether to allow this project to go ahead or not. We are now here for De Nieuwe Meer. There is money made available to adapt the intersection and we will do it.” “
The A10 southbound towards Utrecht is closed from 10pm on Friday until 5am on Monday. Work on the De Nieuwe Meer interchange should be completed by the end of 2031.

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