Photos – documentary with two minors attacking Metro station manager He sees daylight.
The perpetrators of the attack were identified through the cameras that recorded them, on the one hand, and on the other hand, through the information that led to their identification.
The main MEGA newsletter showed a photo of the minors that had been recorded by a metro security camera and the one that was in the hands of the authorities to track down the perpetrators.
The prosecutor prosecuted them for a criminal charge of serious bodily injury. In addition, they are accused of insubordination because they refused to give their fingerprints.
The two minors asked for and received a deadline for apology on Tuesday, while they will be held at GADA pending transfer to the investigator.
See mega report
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Meanwhile, the bodyguard who was arrested by the Attica Security Directorate was provided for foster care and breach of duty, in connection with the case of beating the director of the center.
At the same time, he ordered a sworn administrative check against him.
It is noteworthy that the private guard was released by order of the investigator, but the competent prosecutor sued him, as revealed from the investigations, despite his knowledge of the detainees ’involvement in beating the director of the center, but he did not reach principles.

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