AT5 committee participants have little confidence in the new government of PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB that will be on the podium next Tuesday. But at the same time, there is little understanding of the critical stance taken by GroenLinks party chancellor Grote Wassink, who said in Het Parole on Tuesday that he wanted to cooperate as little as possible with the new government, and would not even accept an invitation from the Freedom Party minister. Marjolein Fabre. Something he carefully marked later in the week.
They are miles apart: the political views of the city of Amsterdam and those of much of the rest of the Netherlands. This is also clear from the research conducted by the AT5 committee in which 1,700 Amsterdam residents participated.
Nearly half of the committee members have no confidence in Schoof's government. A quarter also indicated that they “do not have much confidence” in the new ministers. One committee member said: “There are a lot of interested parties who have made promises that they cannot keep. This will cause discomfort.” Another believes the plans may not be implemented. He added: “The plans are already vague in their general terms, so implementation will be very difficult.”
Very different
What many committee members also question is the differences that the parties seem to have with each other, which also became apparent during the formation process. “The four parties are very different in their views. Things can only get worse.”
But while one believes that these disputes will undoubtedly lead to the downfall of the government, the other must see to it. “The principles of the parties participating in the new government differ greatly, but I give them the benefit of the doubt,” responds a committee member.
Although only a quarter indicated they had either “a great deal of confidence” or “a fair amount of confidence” in the Treasury, the AT5 panel also occasionally sounded positive about the new Treasury. The government was “democratically elected and should be given a chance to govern,” said one member. “They shouldn’t be ignored by the left-wing church.”
The difference is with city government
What is also contradictory is the shape of the coalitions in Amsterdam and The Hague. While the PVV, VVD, NSC and BBB will be in charge at the national level in the near future, the Amsterdam city council is made up of the PvdA, GroenLinks and D66. However, this difference is seen as less of a problem than trust in the new government, and the committee members’ view of the city council and the government is roughly 50/50.
Some committee members fear that too much will change in the city as a result of the new government. “The fear is that less money will go to topics that are important to suburbanites, such as culture and shelter,” reads one response. Another committee member also does not view the differences positively. “Everything Amsterdam stands for – tolerance, compassion and honesty – will be attacked.”
However, there are also sounds that things will go well in Amsterdam. “Amsterdam will find 'goat trails' to maintain its own path,” says one committee member. Another believes the difference has always been there, so it wouldn't make much difference now. “Amsterdam was always more left-wing than The Hague. We always had a different voice.”
Strong comments
One thing is certain, Amsterdam will also have to work with the new government to achieve its own plans. It remains to be seen exactly how this cooperation will work in the coming period. In any case, since the elections in November, the city council has spoken strongly about the results and the new government several times.
For example, education adviser Marjolein Moorman said the result was “shocking.” “When I see how he (Wilders, Mr. Dr.) It offends people in our society. He has been convicted three times.” Council member Rutger Groot Wassink (reception) also said immediately after election day that Wilders would in no way become “prime minister.” And whether such comments from the city council are really wise. Our team is completely divided on this The command.
“It’s time to speak out and not let the abnormal become normal,” said one committee member. Around 50% of our committee members agree with this view and think it is “reasonable” or even “very reasonable” for the council to speak out about the government. “The Dutch people hear very little of this kind of criticism. As far as I’m concerned, the city council is taking another step forward.”
However, more than 40% do not find criticism very useful. For example, one person wonders “what a response from The Hague would mean for the city” and the other believes the city council should only respond to “actions that are good or bad for the city.”
Pick up the phone
The least divided position among the committee members is the position of Alderman Grote Wassink. In an interview with Het Parool, the asylum advisor stated that he refused to cooperate with the cabinet and would not answer the phone. More than 60% believe that this position is unwise. One committee member replied: “You should always keep the conversation going.”
Grote Wassink responded a day later in the city council that he simply answers the phone when the Freedom Party minister calls, and Mayor Halsema also confirmed that the city council answers calls. “Maybe the statements in the interview were a bit strong, but I knew that there is unity in the council's policy. Of course, we maintain all contacts with the cabinet. We have to work closely together. The cabinet needs us and we need the cabinet,” says Halsema. “We will simply deal with business and tact in the processes.”
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