Many Hollywood celebrities swear by it: Fotona’s 4D Rejuvenating and Firming Treatment. The innovative laser treatment, which came from the United States, combines two types of lasers that provide greater skin volume and tighter color. The effect of a face-lift operation without cutting. Since this year Huid & Laser Utrecht has been offering this special treatment. We tell you what to expect.
What do you do about the first signs of aging skin?
When you think about aging skin, the first thing you think of is visible wrinkles and sagging. In addition, sometimes pigmentation spots appear on the face or your skin becomes duller. Older skin can also have a somewhat rough texture, which makes pores more visible. Do you suffer from these skin problems and want to do something about it? This is possible thanks to Fotona SP Dynamis!
Step-by-step explanation
Fotona SP Dynamis can combine two types of lasers, allowing different layers of skin to be treated – inside and out – resulting in regeneration and tightening. The different steps that are performed one by one:
- Step 1. From inside the mouth, collagen formation is stimulated to tighten the jaw line and fold the nose.
- The second step. After that, the skin is treated externally to strengthen and improve color;
- Step 3. In the third step, the skin is heated to improve the tightening effect;
- Step 4: Peeling with a light laser, in which superficial irregularities and discolorations are peeled off from the skin. A nice bonus: Lips can be included to make them thicker.
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Fine: Little healing time
Because of the different steps that make up the treatment, the laser effectively treats the different signs of skin aging. Also useful to know: The treatment is comfortable and does not give long healing time. No wonder much Famous In the United States they are already convinced. Kim Kardashian, among others, posted on social media how she handled Fotona SP Dynamis.
Sculpture To tighten the stomach
In addition to a more compact and youthful face, Fotona SP Dynamis can also be used in other areas. Bee Tights Fat cells are destroyed and collagen production stimulated. The result? Tighter skin (thanks to the stimulation of collagen production) and less oily tissue. This treatment can be reserved for your stomach, the area between the chest and armpits, the tops of the knees and the top of the elbows. Learn more about Tights? Then take a look at this page.
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To do: Schedule a non-binding consultation
Are you eager to find out which laser treatment works best for you? Then book a free and no obligation consultation at Huid & Laser Utrecht. During a consultation, one of our skin therapists will analyze the skin, after which a treatment plan tailored to your preferences can be drawn up. Good to know: It is also possible to make an appointment for a video consultation.
Want to learn more about skin, lasers, and treatments offered? Via the orange button below you go to the clinic website.
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