The Cherokee, a group of Native Americans, believes it is time for companies and sports teams to stop using their names. Cherokee Chairman Chuck Hoskin Jr. said: He was never honored with the name Cherokee on the car, “although he would undoubtedly be well-intentioned.” The Cherokee designation has been introduced on Jeep since 1974. Since then the parent company of Jeep, the Stelantis Group, has been notified. In response, the company said that the name was “ carefully chosen ” at the time and that it honors the Native American tribe as being “ noble, capable, and proud. ” Watchman running.
Hoskin Jr. said, “The best way to honor us is to learn about our role in this country, our history, our culture and our language, and participate in a constructive dialogue with us,” as two sports teams announced that they would change their names. , Which was associated with an Indian tribe. For example, the NFL soccer team from Washington got rid of its nickname “Redskins.” Cleveland Indian baseball players also announced their name last year to adapt.
Native American names were used extensively for cars. Jeep itself used to own a Comanche, a Chevrolet had an Apache and a Xian, a Dodge Dakota and a Mazda de Navajo. Many indigenous tribal vehicles are also in use in the US Army. The famous and the bad one is the Apache helicopter.

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