by RTL Z··Modified:

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Thanks to an agreement between health insurers and the trustees of the bankrupt Co-Med, the practices of the GP chain will be transferred to the general practitioners in the region in the near future. Health insurers pay up to one million euros for this.
This was stated by the insurance company CZ, speaking on behalf of the health insurance companies. If desired, the owners of the new practice can also use the training rooms, inventory and employees of the former Co-Med.
Health insurers say they find it socially undesirable to pay for the practice transfer, but they also understand the role of trustees. They must settle the bankruptcy and collect as much money as possible for Co-Med’s creditors.
Money from health insurance premiums used
“It’s a unique deal for GP care,” says CZ spokesman Arjen Zwan. In fact, money from consumers’ health insurance premiums is used to fund the deal.
This is not a situation that happens so quickly, but according to the insurance companies it is necessary to help the affected patients. Health insurance companies also have a duty of care – insured persons must be able to receive the care they need. According to the insurance companies, financial compensation is necessary to obtain the cooperation of the trustees and find a solution for the affected Co-Med patients more quickly.
This covers 12 joint clinics and more than 45,000 patients, says Zwan. “This deal provides a permanent solution for every patient, one step away,” he says.
Since Co-Med went bankrupt in July, many patients have been able to temporarily visit clinics in the area or visit GP Arene online.
I have been having problems for some time.
Co-Med was officially declared bankrupt in July. The company itself declared bankruptcy after health insurance companies lost confidence in the company.
Co-Med had been in trouble for some time. The chain made money from, among other things, patient registration fees, which they received quarterly from health insurance companies.
No doctors
Co-Med often took over practices from doctors who could not find a successor. However, these practices did not have a permanent doctor, but rather a supervisor. But there were not enough numbers, which meant that there was often no doctor and the company was unable to provide good care.
Then the health insurance companies decided to jointly cut off the money tap. to closeAs a result, Co-Med was forced to close several practices, and ultimately had no choice but to file for bankruptcy.
The transfer of former Co-Med practices will be “phased” and is due to be completed by January 1 next year. In a number of places, new doctors can start working at short notice. According to CZ, patients will be informed about this.

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