09-25-2017 | Tim de Jong
Reining Transport from Culham will now avoid Groningen UK. The company believes that the crossings have become too dangerous. Especially in Calais, it is very dangerous for both man and machine. “I won't wait until the first deaths happen.”
This is what the director of Renning Transport, Gerrit Hess, told De Telegraaf. “The shortest transport route to the UK is via Calais. That is why the route is popular, especially when transporting fresh produce. But the route via Calais also carries great risks: illegal immigrants, willingly or unwillingly, try to board the ship. Trucks To reach England unnoticed, they left no stone unturned.”
“It was no longer possible,” Hess told De Telegraaf. “Our drivers were threatened with sticks, stones were thrown through the windshield and side windows, and the drivers had to do everything they could to avoid being attacked.” “Migrants have nothing to lose and therefore take unprecedented risks,” Hess said.
“Well, we included them in every way,” Hess says. 'Climbers who cut holes in the roof of the truck to get to the trailer. But also in the air visors, bumpers and tool boxes under the car.
If the migrant manages to hide in the shipment, a fine is imposed on the driver and the company. “Even worse, if that happens and you transport food products, your shipment will be rejected. Migrants sit among the objects for hours and simply do their work there. These are enormous costs,” says Hess.
Renning drove for some time with 'No UK' stickers on his back, but it appears that was not enough to stop the refugees. The migrant camp near Calais, dubbed the “Calais Jungle”, was evacuated by French police in 2016, but that did not help. Nothing has changed in Calais in recent years. “It's going from bad to worse,” Hess says. He says migrants are trying to board trucks not only near Calais, but also in Belgium and even the Netherlands.
For now, he thanked Renning for all the trips he had taken to England. So no other path was chosen.
With thanks to “>Driver Future

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