Now more than ever, it will be beneficial to have similar cars on the streets of our city, but for now, it will be the lucky ones who will be able to cross the four-wheeled electric buggies. Noro They will be residents of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties, California. In fact, the startup announced In the spring the green light for road tests But the last few hours statement is more interesting: The company received approval to start the first real deliveries Take advantage of the self-driving R2.
This is a real turning point that opens up to countless interests, in fact there are many companies working on how to implement deliveries without direct human assistance in the near future, from small Amazon Scout to drones, revolutionizing the entire sector.
Noro It’s the first to actually operate in California and definitely not want to waste timeThat is why it will soon announce one of the partners it will start operations with, as confirmed on Medium by David Estrada, Chief Legal and Policy Officer startup. While testing will continue in at least two other states, Nuro will soon begin deliveries in the aforementioned regions in Silicon Valley, and is possibly the ideal location for such a service.
Although the affected area is already large enough, the big cities of San Francisco and Oakland will still be out of the way for the time being; R2s will only be able to travel on roads with a speed limit of 35 miles per hour (56.4 km / h) and its top speed may not exceed 25 miles per hour (40.2 km / h). Another necessary condition is good weather, it will not be possible to take advantage of their first fleet on bad weather days.
In short, it looks like the future has already arrived, and we’ll see how quickly Nuru expands out of that region, but of course, this is one of the most promising ways to free our slightly congested cities and improve expeditions.

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