If the presence of the different Covid-19 variants listed around the world raises concerns about the spread of the health crisis, there are several reasons not to panic in this situation. Here are four of them.
South Africa, English, Brazilian, and more recently Hindi … for several months now, the variants of Covid-19 have come. And it is gradually emerging in different places on the planet.
New “copies” of the virus expand the epidemic. But should we be concerned about many of these? Variables at times is responsible for an outbreak like impressive dew?
While the situation is still far from resolved in the face of the pandemic, there are four reasons to combat these variables.
1. Vaccines are effective
Currently available and approved vaccines are effective against “All kinds of viruses”, The World Health Organization confirmed to Agence France-Presse (AFP) on May 20, 2021.
When asked about the effectiveness of the AstraZeneca vaccine on the variant B.1.351, which was first identified in South Africa, the WHO believes that vaccination with it reduces severe forms of Covid-19.
We are moving in the right direction, but we have to remain vigilant […] Increased mobility, physical interactions and gatherings could increase deportation in Europe.But Hans Kluge, WHO director for Europe, insisted.
According to an article in the scientific journal MIT Technology Review It was published on May 13, 2021 and is included in the magazine International mail The effectiveness of the vaccine allows for this measured optimism.
“A complete vaccination protects 75% of various infections in South Africa,” It indicates the job. a “Wonders”Confirms Andrew Reed, an infectious disease ecologist at Pennsylvania State University in the United States MIT Technology Review.
2. The second generation vaccines are coming
Another reassuring fact in light of the variables: second-generation vaccines are being prepared. Better tools to fight the virus and its mutations. reason? They contain genetic or protein variants found in l’ARN Or, Appearing on April 14, 2021 in the set TV program C for you Professor Alan Fischer, Vaccine Strategy Coordinator in France.
Scientist Patrick Cohen, one of the program’s historians, questioned about the possibility of variants emerging Dangerous resistance could emerge in the coming months..
“By making a reasonable assumption, if new variables emerge, they will relate to the already existing variables.He is still appreciated by a professor of pediatric immunology. We’ll get, a little bit about the flu vaccination model, vaccines that adapt when and when. “
3. Adjust the variables precisely
Monitor variables such as milk on fire? This is explained by the “main vaccination” in France: “There is very vigilant monitoring in this region, which is taking place on a daily basis. Information is increasing every day in France and the neighboring countries.”
4. The variables look the same
This is another point made by Professor Alan Fisher. For the latter, the South African and Brazilian variants “Very similar despite appearing completely independently.”
According to the researcher, this element indicates that the ability of the virus to mutate to resist the immune response is limited. Even if we had to be careful and not take this argument for granted, Determines. But this is a little reassuring. “

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