Published February 16, 2024 at 2:09 pm / ©

Gas heating is coming to an end – at least in new buildings. The Renewable Heat Act (EWG) was recently approved by the Federal Council.
The installation of gas heating systems will not be permitted in new buildings in the future. On Thursday 15 February, the Federal Council approved the Renewable Heat Act (EEC) by the necessary two-thirds majority. The EEC was already approved by the National Council in December – 5 Minutes reported.
Extension of the ban
As is known, the installation of central oil boilers has been prohibited since 2020. For new buildings, this ban extends to all systems. This means that the installation of systems powered by fossil fuels will be prohibited. For example, decentralized gas heating. The government wants to prevent the number of fossil fuel-powered plants from expanding.
Transitional provisions for ongoing cases
Transitional provisions are provided for ongoing work situations and procedures. The 2019 oil boiler ban is now part of the new Energy Economy Act (EWG). The European Union has agreed to the necessary action.
It obtained a two-thirds majority
Representatives of the ÖVP, SPÖ and the Green Party welcomed the EEC's decision. The Freedom Party rejected the EEC and called for “a common-sense climate policy, without the madness of confiscation and bans.” Minister of Energy Leonor Goessler He was pleased with the EEC decision, which already has a “long history” and creates clarity on the path to decarbonisation of existing buildings.
Heating replacement financing
The Federal Council also pointed to a wide range of subsidies for replacing heating appliances. Anyone who converts their heating system from fossil energy to renewable energy will receive funding of several thousand euros from the federal and state governments. At least 75 percent of the costs should be replaced – more on that here. Pre-funding for the replacement of the heating system is also planned, with more details to follow.

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