An exploratory well in Kazakhstan leaked methane into the atmosphere for six months. Based on satellite images, scientists estimated that 127,000 tons of methane leaked from the well during that period.
Gas exploration was underway in Kazakhstan's Mangystau region when an explosion occurred on June 9. This means that a gas bubble is leaking from the well. The British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) reported that a fire then broke out and was not easy to extinguish.
The fire was not brought under control until six months later, on December 25. During these six months, methane leaked from the well.
Methane is not visible to the naked eye, but some satellites can detect it with special measuring equipment. Several satellites have made multiple measurements over the Mangystau area. From those measurements, scientists were able to determine that about 127,000 tons had leaked into the atmosphere.
In January, satellites did not detect any more methane plumes. There is now no more methane leaking from the well.
Methaan is schadelijk voor het klimaat
Methaan in de atmosfeer draagt bij aan de klimaatverandering. Het is een veel sterker broeikas dan CO2.
Volgens het Internationale Energie Bureau is methaan verantwoordelijk voor 30 procent van de opwarming van de aarde.
Aardgas bestaat voor een groot deel uit methaan. Er zijn ook bacteriën die methaan maken.
The company denies there was a leak and disputes the measurements
This leak is the second largest man-made methane leak ever. Only the explosion in the Nord Stream pipeline between Russia and Germany in 2022 led to more methane leaks. About 230,000 tons of methane are said to have leaked.
The company responsible for the well, Bozashi Neft, denies the leak. They told the BBC that no “significant amount of gas” had leaked. All the gas would have been burned by fire. The methane plumes measured by the satellites will be water vapor.
Satellite researchers say that the measuring devices do not mix with water vapor, as this has been tested.

For example, methane super-emitters are being researched
Nederlandse ruimtedetectives maken mondiale methaanaanpak mogelijk
Olie- en gasbedrijven krijgen methaanuitstoot maar niet omlaag

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