Acceleration of booster vaccination to advance the omikron variant is being discussed in several countries or the decision has already been made. Omikron was first diagnosed in South Africa about three weeks ago, and quickly became the variant causing the most infections. “Omikron is so powerful that it erased delta from the map in two weeks,” said Dutch physician Hugo Tempelman, a Dutch physician working in South Africa who closely involved with his lab in discovering omikron and is now in the process of searching for it. .
“What we know so far is that oomicron is much more contagious. Between November 12 and 23 we had 260 infections a day, now from 16,000 to 17,000. In addition, we are also seeing positive things. There are fewer deaths. During the peak period with variable Delta, also with 16 to 17,000 infections a day, there were 200 to 300 deaths a day, now from 10 to 11. The clinical picture is also much milder, whether that’s because of the infection itself or the fact that it’s not clear that 60 percent of South Africans have already been vaccinated for the first time.”
“But we’re seeing protection against serious diseases. We’re seeing far fewer people with respiratory illnesses, much less COVID in the long run, far less loss of smell and taste, much less loss of smell and taste, much less pneumonia. We’re seeing now. People with sore throats, joint pain, and abdominal pain.”

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