Journalist Theo Bestman is following the meeting live.
Activists argue that Shell is doing too little to reduce emissions. They also said they would send themselves to the company’s oil and gas pipelines to thwart operations. They also sang “We will stop you”.
Environmental groups said in a statement that about eighty climate activists participated in the protest at the Shell meeting. They want Shell to take responsibility for exacerbating the global climate crisis, environmental destruction and human rights abuses associated with oil and gas extraction.
These are the organizations Money Rebellion, Extinction Rebellion, Christian Climate Action, Fossil Free London, Shell Must Fall and Stop Ecocide. At the same time, Meliodefense organized a demonstration at the former Shell head office in The Hague.
There were also violent protests in the vicinity of the shareholder meeting.
Meliodefense last year won a lawsuit against Shell. The court ruling was the first of its kind worldwide. In it, the court noted the risks of climate change. So Shell should have reduced its emissions by 45 percent by 2030, but according to Milieudefensie, the company is not complying with the ruling.

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