The most important problems that have been solved
Android 15 Beta 4 addresses the major issues described in the following sections and includes fixes for some issues not listed here.
Issues reported by the developer
Fixed a contrast issue that made some items in Quick Settings difficult to read. (Issue #340944691)
Fixed an issue that, in rare cases, caused some Pixel devices to get stuck in an unbootable state when resetting the device shortly after installing an over-the-air system update. (Issue #349860641, Issue #349978813)
Other issues resolved
Fixed an issue where an Android Virtual Device (AVD) with an Android 15 system image would sometimes fail to boot when the AVD was running in embedded mode.
Fixed an issue that sometimes caused app notification settings not to be restored when restoring a device from a backup.
Fixed an issue on Pixel Fold devices that prevented the user from continuing to register Face Lock if the device was folded or unfolded during the process.
Several other issues affecting system stability, connectivity, performance, usability, and camera have been resolved.
Bluetooth: Fixed issues
Fixed a bug that prevented the Digital Car Key app from performing low-latency scans when running in the foreground.
A fix has been implemented to use custom UUIDs instead of standard UUIDs for the HOGP service in the Android header tracking service.
The head tracking codec capabilities are used to detect transport support in the LE audio stack.
A fix has been implemented to prevent Bluetooth pairing requests from being immediately rejected when there is a mismatch between the transport suggested by the API and the transport observed by the Bluetooth group, which may improve pairing success rates.

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