Once again, the VVD leader Rutte doesn’t want to rule with PVV. In the previous parliamentary elections in 2017, the VVD party also disqualified the Freedom Party leader Wilders’ party. In the weekly conversation with the Prime Minister on Radio NOS With the aim of tomorrow Rutte was asked if he still didn’t want to go with PVV. His answer is simply “no.”
Rutte gave no apparent reason to exclude the largest opposition party this time. In January 2017, it had something to do with, among other things, Wilders’ statements about judges and Moroccans. According to Root, these comments are inconsistent with the values of the Netherlands and the rule of law.
At the start of this week, Rutte had already said that he did not want to cooperate with the Forum for Democracy after the elections. He said that on the TV show In 1 In response to reports about racist app messages from forum leader Baudet. Rutte described the apps as “disgusting, anti-gay and racist”.
According to Root, the exclusion of these two parties does not mean that the VVD will be drawn to the left of the political spectrum. The VVD-CDA-D66 cabinet and ChristenUnie are also not center-left, as Rutte emphasizes in Radio Chat. “D66 just wants to spend more money during election time,” says Rutte, who notes that the lineup always works well.
Rutte did not mention any parties with which the VVD wants to form a potential alliance. “we will see”. Now VVD is the biggest in polls, but that says nothing yet. “It’s the polls and you never know how it will turn out.”

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