They went for wool and ended up split bar owner located in Tenerife, SpainHe recounted the experience he had with two diners who, after leaving without paying for the bottle of wine and appetizers they ordered, committed Great supervision: Someone left on the table that they occupied their modern smartphone with a value of 1,000 euros (just over $ 1,210 at the current exchange rate). More details are in this note.
more information: The attorney spawned after failing to disable the cat filter at a full hearing
And again two girls ran away without paying. We can’t let it go anymore, we’re tired of it, and the hospitality suffers so much until customers do this to us. It looks like it has become fashionable but now I ask you a question: What do I do when they come to get my cell phone? “I asked the restaurant page called “Guachinche Como en Casa” on Facebook.
In the post, the owner attached a photo of the bill for payment and found another picture of the phone. While some recommended indicting the girls, and even selling the cell phone, it turned out that the owner of the facility was able to contact the mother of the girl who left the team.
I told him embarrassed that they would go to the place to pay the € 23.60 bill and to apologize. The owner of the building indicated that he would not file a complaint, but he warned his colleagues to be vigilant so that this type of situation does not recur.

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