the past! Tariq Khabbeez surrenders after the first round. He seems to have problems with his right hand and stops. Verhoeven still spoke luxury, to no avail. Verhoeven wins. What a rush fight.
1/3 on the ground! Tariq Khababez received a few powerful kicks in the legs and fell twice. The Moroccan already seemed anxious in the first round. This can end quickly.
1/3 Rico Verhoeven is the man to take the first punches, but Tarek Khabebez is recovering and hits the Moroccan-born kickboxer body several times.
Thing! The bell rang in Rotterdam. Rico Verhoeven started his last fight against Tariq Khababez. Who will emerge victorious from this battle?
5/5 Alex Pereira has clearly reached the end of his rope, but Artem Vakhitov is unable to get the Brazilian out. So the jury must choose a winner after five rounds. Whose hand is rising?
4/5 For the first time in combat, Artem Vakhitov seems to be gaining an advantage. The Russian delivers a number of gentle blows to Alex Pereira’s cheeks after the Brazilian made a gentle knee-move in the face.
3/5 Fatigue is slowly starting to show for Artem Vakhitov and Alex Pereira, as kickboxing is no longer a problem. Fighters dance across the ring without hitting each other hard. Caution is the key.
2/5 It can be clearly seen that this is a battle for a world title, as the fight between Artem Vakhitov and Alex Pereira will not flare up yet. Both kickboxers operate very carefully.
1/5 The first round is over and it clearly goes to Brazilian Alex Pereira, who is controlling Artem Vakhitov’s battle for the World Light Heavyweight title.
Thing! The battle for the World Light Heavyweight Championship title between Artem Vakhitov and Alex Pereira is ongoing! Is Pereira writing the history of glory by being the world lightweight champion as well as the world middleweight title?
Light Heavyweight Title Battle wrestlers enter the ring. The fight between Russian Artem Vakhitov and Brazilian Alex Pereira is about to begin.
Of course we have to wait for Verhoeven against Khabees, but we first see a battle for the title in the Light Heavyweight. This fight begins in a few minutes between Artem Vakhitov and Alex Pereira.
Dumpy Cos Gruenhart! The agonizing fall appears to be playing tricks on Groenhart. Dombe hits the Dutchman hard again and although Gruenhart woke up at nine, the referee decided that was enough.
Dumpy with the first knockout party! He knocked on the ground, but he could get up at the right time. Moments later, Gruenhart tried to hit the other one again, but crossed the rope and then painfully struck the billboards with his back.
End of round 1/5 It was the same in the first round, with Gruenhart and Dumbe tied.
Start! They both won once over the other, so who is stronger this time in five rounds?
The jury members did not unanimously agree, but Verhoeven will be Tariq Khabbeez. Later in the night, he will meet an opponent who may be a little fresher, as the Brabant player didn’t have to go so deep in facing Gerges.
End of round 3/3 Both fighters took a few hits, but kept coming back making it a great fight. Who will compete against Rico Verhoeven in the final?
End of round 2/3 It also waves up and down Ahoy in the second round. Most of the blows came from a baker, who hit Riggers once in the face with his knee.
End of round 1/3 Riggers and Bubbies did not disappoint in the first round. The Rigers got off the base blocks better, but Bubbles held up well and repelled.
Who will compete against Verhoeven in the final? This could be 25-year-old Levi Riggers or 28-year-old Tariq Khabbeez. Rigters debuted at GLORY last month and is considered one of kickboxing’s greatest talents. The 28-year-old Khabeez is also a newcomer to GLORY. Khabbeez, who lives in The Hague, came from the ONE Championship Federation at the end of last year, which is basically a big association in Asia.
The two often argued with each other, but right after the fight, respect for each other is shown. “I always thought you were a great man and you were the best,” Gerges says. Verhoeven replies: “Respect is mutual, you stand there today and I think that’s really cool.”
In fact, the jury also decided that Rico Verhoeven was the winner in the fight.
End of round 3/3 Verhoeven remains dominant throughout the battle and will likely take the final battle against the winner of the battle between Levi Rigers and Tariq Khabbeez.
3/3 Gerges was forced into the corner less in this third round, but Rico still decides the match.
3/3 “Now all or nothing,” Ahoy appears in the blank. Will we also see that in this latest round?
End of round 2/3 Verhoeven also leads Gerges farther and farther into the corner in the second round and hardly gives him a chance to hit him. There are few fireworks, but Verhoeven is the one to dominate.
2/3 Verhoeven takes a good low kick and stuns his opponent. Gerges falls, but wakes up almost instantly to respond.
End of round 1/3 Gentlemen show respect for each other at the end of the first round of boxing. During the fight, it wasn’t really loose yet, because it’s a lot like chess in the ring.

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