Things are right for Phoenix from Wright
( – November 18, 2020 – 1:45 pm
SMART CLARK GIGA CITY – Matthew Wright proved to be the man for the Phoenix Super LPG after leading the team to the second consecutive semi-finals in the Philippine Cup.
In one of the biggest matches of his career and in the history of the Phoenix franchise, Wright rose to prominence and made big clutch time with his dramatic victory in the 89-88 match that slammed the playoff door in the Magnolia.
The 29-year-old Wright finished with 32 points and nine assists to help second seed Fuel Masters reach the semi-finals of the All-Filipino again, as he clashes with No. 3 TNT Tropang Giga in the best of five duel.
The 6-foot, 4-point gunner averaged 20.0 points, 4.3 rebounds and 7.3 assists as the Full Masters went 2-0 in the final week of the playoffs to claim two wins in the quarter-finals.
Wright’s championships and numbers made him unanimously chosen to be the Cignal TV – PBA Press Corps Player of the Week from November 9-15.
Miralco goalkeeper Aaron Black (9.3 points, 3.0 rebounds, and 1.7 assists) shared the spotlight with Wright as he received a second consecutive quote from Rookie Week provided by members of the media covering the PBA win.
Wright’s consistent performance also stabilizes his grip on the statistical race of two players with 35.9 SP behind benchmarks of 22.8, 5.4 rebounds and 6.0 assists.
But regardless of his individual goals, Wright is focusing more on the much bigger goal of winning a great championship for Phoenix.
“This is the goal I have always wanted. I feel like the best. I know that to be among the best, you have to win certain prizes and tournaments. I try to focus on that and do the right thing.”
“If I do the right thing and are humble, those trophies will come. Look at John Marr, he’s the most humble man in the world so I’m trying to take a page from his book. We have seven wins left until the championship. It’s going to be a long playoff. I’ll worry about that when all is said and done.” Thing “.
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