Updated: November 25, 2020 1:18:31 PM
Here are five video games that will help you stay in shape without having to pay an annual gym membership fee. (Image credit: Nintendo)
It is not difficult to guess how the current coronavirus pandemic has affected our physical health due to the decrease in outdoor activities. Excess weight gain can negatively affect the body, especially the heart. The good news is that there are effective ways to lose weight without leaving the house. Of all the ways to stay fit, playing fitness and health games can improve both physical and mental health. No, you won’t find high-end games like Gears 5 or Assassin’s Creed Valhalla In the list. Instead, we’ve included games like Ring fit for adventure And the Just dance Not only does this keep you entertained for hours, but it also helps you stay in shape from the comfort of your room.
Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo Switch)
Ring Fit Adventure, exclusive to the Nintendo Switch console, is a fitness-focused game designed to help players stay active while playing. The game comes with a new Ring-Con attachment and leg strap, both of which are essential to help track your actions. While Ring Fit Adventure is a role-playing game with apt characters and story, it can be described as the best fitness game. Due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Ring fit for adventure It has become so popular that it is difficult to find the game online. At the time of writing, the game can still be purchased from Amazon.in as it is being sold for 9,129 rupees.
Just Dance 2021 (Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X / S)
Every year Ubisoft releases an Just dance The game and our fascination with a game that teaches you to dance with never ending moves. Just Dance 2021 features 40 of the latest blockbuster hits, including Rain on me With Lady Gaga, Ariana Grande, and Dua Lipa Don’t stop now. In Just Dance 2021, you play by yourself or get together with friends, pick a song, and follow the dancer who appears on screen as he performs the hit song. Just Dance is a fun game in which you need to move your body. This is a game designed for casual players and families.
Yoga Master (PS4)
Not only does yoga improve posture and increase attention span, but it is also extremely beneficial for your mental and physical health. Yoga Master, a little-known healthy game for PS4, improves fitness and helps you stay positive. With over 150 poses, from classic yoga to urban / modern yoga, each rated easy, medium or professional, and 100 customizable programs, the game tracks exercise activities and cleanses your mind and body.
Boxing Fitness 2: Rhythm & Exercises (Nintendo Switch)
While Ring Fit Adventure remains one of the best-selling games on the Switch, the popular console gets another fitness game. With the release date set for December 4, Boxing Fitness 2 It is the 2019 sequel to Boxing Fitness Strikes. The game uses both Joy-Cons to simulate punches and swings from both your left and right hands as you did in the original Fitness Boxing. However, Fitness Boxing 2 introduces a new player mode, 23 songs and 66 workout routines. Play Boxing Fitness 2 Feel like you are attending traditional cardio kickboxing. You can try a demo of the game, before you pay $ 50 for Fitness Boxing 2.
Zumba Fitness World Party
Are you planning to learn Zumba but anxious about attending personal lessons in times of Corona? Don’t worry, you can learn a Latin-inspired dance workout right in your very own living room. Enter Zumba Fitness: World Party, the popular dance and fitness game for the Xbox One. It is a fun game where you can attend a Zumba class and learn different dance styles including Bollywood. The whole premise of the game is to simulate a dancer and learn dance moves that burn calories and improve flexibility.
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