Every saree, with the exception of Waverley, has been placed at Level 4.
The tighter restrictions mean that all non-essential stores, gyms, and personal care services will now have to close when the new rules come into effect at 12.01 AM on Sunday (Dec.20).
Tier 4 residents must now stay home on Christmas Day and have been banned from mixing with other families.
The government had originally drawn up plans for up to three families to mix indoors over a five-day period between December 23 and 27.
However, the rules will now only apply for Level 1 and Level 2 residents, and only on Christmas Day.
It has also been confirmed that there will be no easing of restrictions on December 31 to allow for New Year’s celebrations.
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Boris Johnson convened an emergency cabinet meeting on Saturday (Dec.19) to discuss new measures to combat the increase in cases across London and the southeast.
Then the prime minister held a press conference from Downing Street at 4 pm in which he outlined the tougher restrictions affecting millions.
This comes at a time when a new type of Coronavirus has been discovered, with early signs showing that it could increase the national R number by “0.4 or more” and it is more transmissible by up to 70 percent.
The restrictions imposed at Level 4 will be the same as those imposed on the national lockdown during the month of November.
Tier 4 residents will be required to stay home and work from home wherever possible, not to be away from home overnight and only meet one person from another outdoor home in a public place.
The most recent figures showed a high incidence rate, meaning the number of new cases per 100,000 people, in all 11 neighborhoods and districts in Sari.
Persons in Level 4 will not be permitted to travel abroad except for “limited exceptions”, for example for business purposes.

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