Who was Francesca Cabrini?
Since she was not accepted by the religious order due to her poor health, she founded her own congregation, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Her dream was to create a global “Empire of Hope” from China. That's why she had to convince the Pope himself. As the longer section below shows, it wasn't easy. Finally he gave up Pope Leo XIII But she had to start her dream in New York, where she received many disturbing letters from the Italian immigrant community.
In 1889 she set foot in New York. The film shows how a woman in poor health changes the world. In 34 years, she established at least 67 hospitals, schools and orphanages. Her energy was fueled by an intense focus on the example of Jesus. She was the first American citizen to be declared a saint (in 1946) and is the patron saint of immigrants.
The role of Sister is played by Francesca Cabrini Christiana Delana. Andrea Bocelli and his 12-year-old daughter Virginia Sing a beautiful duet, in which Virginia also makes her acting debut.
The film touches people's hearts,” concludes Eustace Wolfington. “Disturbed by a broken world, they come to see the film and then leave fired up, motivated by the hope of doing something about it.”
Watch the first 19 minutes of the film in a sneak peek.

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