At least five Swiss cities have already indicated that they are interested in organizing the Eurovision Song Contest in 2025. On the other hand, two other cities have just announced that they will definitely not try to bring the song contest to their city. A decision on the final host city is expected to be made in September.
Let's start with the two cities that definitely won't be the case. Lausanne It will not become a host city for a second time after hosting the Eurovision Song Contest in 1989. For example, the city's mayor, Grégoire Juneau, has already said no prayer book To submit, because Lack of infrastructure.
The only place that could be suitable in terms of size is the Vaudoise Arena (Capacity 10,000 people, editor)But we have already reached the limit of what is needed in terms of capacity. We also do not have the additional space needed, especially to accommodate the media center. The main obstacle is the calendar. The site must be available a few weeks before the event starts which is not possible due to hockey season.
Lugano, host city of the first Eurovision Song Contest in 1956, will never be a host city again. This is what the deputy mayor says. Here is why Lack of suitable room.
It would be nice to return to Ticino. It is clear that the ambitions face the reality of Lugano but also the entire canton. Unfortunately, we do not have venues that can accommodate 15,000 spectators. We have the LAC, the Palazzo deigressi, the Corner Arena, the Sports Hall of the Future, and even the Convention Center, but they will never reach the required numbers.
Therefore, it is a shame, because an event of this importance will certainly have a significant impact, also in terms of visibility, on our canton. But unfortunately I think it will be difficult.
St. Gallen
Then St. Gallen? This city has indicated that it is interested in potential regulation. He will do this in cooperation with those close to him Liechtensteinwho showed interest in one Tourism cooperation. This is what the head of marketing in Liechtenstein said in a radio interview. The region has cooperated in this way before. Although the small broadcaster no longer plans to try to become a full member of the European Broadcasting Union, Eurovoix writes.
If the event moves to St. Gallen next year, this is possible, according to the federation's president Olmhal With them. The hall was opened at the beginning of last March and will remain open until… 12,000 spectators can get.
Geneva, home of the European Broadcasting Union, is also an option. Those in the city Palexpo It immediately informed the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation that it wanted to host the 2025 Eurovision Song Contest with the city of Geneva. They say at Palexpo that they have approximately 32,000 square meters of space, that's true 15,000 spectators can be received. All three conference rooms will be available for this event.
The City of Basel, through the President of the Canton of Basel, has indicated its interest in organizing it. He moves like a trump card Infrastructure, accessibility and hospitality straight ahead.
Herzliche Gratulation and Nemo Zumgrosartigen Sieg Beim #ESC2024 In Malmo! It is not possible to choose from it #ESC2025 austragen. As a destination in itself #Basil Repair. And since we are ready: with our infrastructure, our comfort and our hospitality. #ESC2025Basel
-Conradin Kramer (@conradinkramer) May 12, 2024
The cantonal government spokesman is also ready to host the Eurovision Song Contest.
It would be great and a great honor for Basel to be able to host the next edition of the Eurovision Song Contest, a competition that is highly regarded all over the world.
The biggest competition could come from Zurich, the largest city in Switzerland. There they are seriously considering a bid for the host city title. A city spokesperson says it is under investigationWith high priority'.
Finally, there is also the city of Bern, which is connected to the relatively nearby city of Biel Nemo's houseTherefore, the Canton of Bern is encouraged to apply. Bill hopes to cooperate with the City of Bern and BERNEXPO. In all cases, it becomes one Nemo celebration Prepared by Bill with the team surrounding Nemo.
The cantonal government of Bern is open to the Eurovision Song Contest, let it be known.
The Government Council notes that many conference and trade fair sites in canton Bern have attractive infrastructure. It is open for applications and willing to investigate support requests.
Although the canton president has a completely different opinion.
Schweitzer wins for the rest of the year #corrupt #Exit. He will die soon #Anti-Semitic geprägt & von schlimmen Gewaltereignissen under the guidance of the police. Those days are very critical @tamedia-Blatter? This is not the case.
👉ESC: Bleep Fern von Bern!– Philipp Müller (@SicherheitBern) May 13, 2024
We'll have to wait about another four months before we know which of these five cities, or who knows, another, will host the Eurovision Song Contest 2025.

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