President Donald Trump reportedly plans to run for the White House in 2024 – and is considering hosting a related event on the day of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration.
Trump has spoken to his confidants and his closest advisers about the possibility of launching the 2024 campaign and the best time to announce it to keep the Republican Party behind until the next elections, three sources said. The Daily Beast in a. Saturday.
Over the past two weeks, two sources said, Trump has raised the idea of holding a 2024 event in the week of Biden’s inauguration if his legal battles to challenge the election results fail.
This news comes as the vote recounts in Wisconsin – which cost the Trump administration $ 3 million – expanded Biden’s progress in the crucial case, the sun Reports.
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In secret, Trump bragged that he would remain in media attention as he brings ratings and ratings to media that Biden has found “boring” to cover.
Trump and his cronies have reportedly begun to ask major donors if they will support him in 2024, and it appears that some of the president’s top allies will remain on his side if he decides to run.
The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the sun in a. Saturday.
Earlier this month, Trump told National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien, Vice President Mike Pence, and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that he plans to run for president in 2024 if the 2020 results do not swing in his favor. Bloomberg I mentioned on Thursday.
“If you do – and I think I’m speaking on behalf of everyone in the room – we’re 100 percent with you,” O’Brien said during the meeting in the Oval Office.
Trump has not conceded, despite setbacks in numerous efforts to challenge and annul election results in battlefield nations.
On Thursday at the White House, Trump told a reporter that “it will be very difficult to compromise because we know there has been a massive fraud.”
The Trump administration spent several million dollars on recount requests in Milwaukee and Dean counties in Wisconsin, which the president lost to Biden by more than 20,000 votes.
On Friday, election officials in Milwaukee County ended the recount and announced that Biden had already received 257 votes, while Trump had only 125 votes.
This article originally appeared on The Sun and is reproduced with permission

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