On Friday, May 10, 2024, the Inspection Department of the Ministry of Health of Suriname conducted inspections of various clinics where all types of cosmetic procedures are performed.
The main objective was to determine whether services provided to the community were in line with existing healthcare legislation. There was also information that practitioners may not have qualifications and may also be performing medical procedures without obtaining permission from the Ministry.
The Surinamese Ministry of Health regularly receives complaints about practices that are not registered with the Ministry or that do not operate fully in accordance with the rules.
According to the Medical Professions Law, experts must be recognized by the Ministry of Health to prove their competence in providing various aspects of medical care. This system aims to protect society from unregulated practices and violations.
The Ministry also feels responsible when reporting complaints. Recently, a client at a health clinic died after undergoing infusion therapy at the clinic in question. The Ministry also called on the community to exchange advice and reports on similar pranks.
Inspections were conducted at practices where the Ministry received information about possible illegal activities or non-compliance with the law. Unauthorized assets were confiscated. In addition, clarity has been provided on what is and is not permitted under the legislation.
When practicing the profession, one must ensure the person's competence, especially for doctors. In addition, the materials used must be known to the Ministry of Health and their source must comply with the correct legislation and regulations. This includes checking short- and long-term effects, as well as any side effects of the medications used.
It is possible for a doctor from abroad to come to Suriname to work there. In this case, this doctor must be recognized by the Surinamese Ministry of Health and must complete the necessary procedures to obtain permission to practice the profession. This process includes submitting all necessary diplomas and certificates.
The Ministry stresses that implementing the legislation is necessary and continues to rely on the community to report potential violations. The goal is to bring order to things that do not follow the rules of health care.

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