he was there Zipper It Mars This is not new. It has been spotted and photographed many times in the past, although it is not such a frequent phenomenon as the one we see here on Earth. thanks for the “eyes” Gods Rover We can study their cycles and NASA Curiosity He helped during this time.
As reported by the US Space Agency, the Zipper It Mars To better understand its properties and other information that may be useful for studying the Red Planet.
Clouds on Mars as seen by NASA
Typical localization of Clouds over the planet It is located in the equator region in the coldest period of the year. Two years ago, clouds, formed from tiny water ice crystals, were highlighted earlier than expected. But that wasn’t the only anomaly that scientists have in mind.
Night clouds on Mars were photographed by NASA’s Curiosity Navcam
This year, at the end of January, clouds appeared again earlier than expected. But in addition to timing, the share was also higher than in the past. Watch campaign NASA Curiosity (Between March 19 and March 31) he observed it at an altitude of about 60 kilometers, indicating that, instead of water ice, it was dry ice (carbon dioxide).
Ongoing analyzes will be used to determine the actual composition (water or carbon dioxide) and the exact elevation. The picture both of them Navcam, No black and white navigation cameras, and both of Mastecam, Which allows you to capture images with higher resolution and color. The area is Mont Mercko where Rover NASA Curiosity, Who is also involved in rock analysis.
Iridescent clouds captured by the MAAS mastcam
Once again the clouds were captured “Nocturnal” (A phenomenon also known on Earth) shines thanks to the last rays of the sun, which allows to obtain useful information on altitude. Clouds were also highlighted “iridescenti”. These also exist on our planet and take on certain colors due to the particles inside them that are of the same size. What other mysteries and what other beauties will it keep for us Mars?

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