Flooding of seawater has been reported on the west coast of Florida. One million people without electricity. Reporter Eric Motan: “America is holding its breath. This is a massive hurricane. Although the storm is weak now that it’s above ground, it can dump up to half a meter of rain on low, flat ground over the next day.”
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has called on Florida residents to stay indoors because water levels can rise unexpectedly and cause hurricanes. Ian is expected to return to sea on the east coast of Florida later tomorrow.
Tourists in Orlando are also advised to stay in their hotel rooms, Dutchman Fouad told RTL Nieuws. US President Biden declared a state of emergency to expedite relief efforts.
Earlier this week, Ian claimed two lives in Cuba. Electricity was cut across the island.
hurricane season
Eric Motan says that early fall is traditionally the season when many hurricanes occur in the United States. “Hurricane season has been very interesting so far. You can see that in the name of Ian. Hurricanes are named every year in alphabetical order. Usually around this time they have already reached M or P. Now only in Ian.” But the reporter says this could be a big deal.
There are videos on Twitter in which Ian’s strength is clearly demonstrated:
Florida is a densely populated state, although the Fort Myers area is less densely built than Tampa, where the storm was initially anticipated. American television channels show pictures of submerged streets and boats lifted from their moorings.
Previously, two million people were ordered to leave their homes, although it is unclear how many have actually left their homes.

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