Patent filed in October 2020 by Take twoThe company you belong to Rock star, About Artificial intelligence And the ability of non-player characters to navigate the game world. authorized System and method for virtual navigation in a gaming environment, The patent likely refers to a new technology that was implemented on Rockstar’s next big project. Grand Theft Auto 6.
Although there is no explicit reference in the patent to GTA 6, which has not yet been officially announced, the technology in question has been developed by Simon Barr e David Hind, And two of the most important characters in Rockstar in terms of new technologies. According to rumors, the patent will refer to the AI in GTA 6’s unplayable character base and their ability to move in the open world.
Grand Theft Auto 6: Better AI for Cars, too
The document, which is highly technical as it is intended for developers, is intended to be presented The behavior and behavior of the most realistic NPCs in GTA 6. “Traditional systems provide limited resources to automate NPCs. For example, processing power, memory, and efficiency allow NPCs to control a predetermined number of cars in each individual instance of the conventional system.” We read in the document. Moreover, the reference to cars appears to be another confirmation that this is GTA 6. As is known, the series’ games are used Large pedestrian and car game maps, with realistic traffic simulation.
“Another disadvantage, conventional systems rely almost entirely on eliminating local traffic to avoid collisions.”. In other words, as anyone with experience with games of this type knows, a lot Traffic is simplified to avoid strange and unnatural behaviorAs well as real defectThe number of cars around the player decreases.
The most interesting thing is that according to the patent, Rockstar is implementing an AI system that it can do Allow each driver to act independently. “In traditional systems, NPCs are often grouped by attributes and perform the same moves.”. However, in GTA 6, each driver will act differently because each one of them will have a specific purpose and will be affected by what is happening around them.
As stated in the document, “Each non-playable character is defined by its own characteristics of crossing road knots.”. In other words, all of them will move through the game world according to a series of parameters, such as Vehicle characteristics, rules and restrictions on speed where it is located, the type of road it travels and the weather conditions.
The new artificial intelligence system aims to be creative A realistic virtual world not limited to hardware or software. For example, you may find someone driving slower on residential roads or while doing some maneuvering to avoid oncoming traffic on single-lane roads.. The new system will also be able to simulate specific cases, such as a High speed tracking. I’ll also take it into account For distances between vehicles, direction of travel and differences in speed between vehicles, so that each non-playable character can calculate the most suitable path according to the situation.
Rockstar Games is already very advanced in terms of artificial intelligence, and it is able to reproduce the game worlds in a realistic and sensible way, as the inhabitants emerge. “Long live the” In the player’s eyes. Rockstar appears to be working on conveying this emotion even in the case of non-playable characters at the wheel of vehicles and not just pedestrians on the road.
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