In the context of the 125th anniversary of the establishment of the Psychiatric Center of Suriname (PCS), a group of employees and former employees of this institution were honored by President Santoki. 11 people have been awarded the “Silver Medal of Honor Associated with the Medal of Honor” and 8 with the Gold Medal of Honor Associated with the Medal of Honor from the Palm.
The Center for Psychiatry in Suriname (PCS), better known as LPI, received this name change in 2000, while the institution was established 126 years ago with the mission of nursing and treating people with a mental disorder.
“PCS is the only hospital of its kind in our country and as a nation we can cherish and do everything we can to ensure its continuity,” our head of state said.
The facility has since grown into an accredited hospital and knowledge center. This is thanks to the pioneers who made this possible and who made themselves subservient to their fellow human beings in an exceptional way, with devotion and love. Highly motivated psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, and nurses, all with their hearts in the right place, have played a vital role in the development and history of PCS by acting with courage, skill and tirelessness.
PCS often provides support in other areas of medical care, and in addition to his regular work, he has also provided robust vaccination campaign assistance to the COVID-19 management team.
Honorary awards and honors for these employees are an expression of their special enthusiasm and loyalty in the performance of their duties, at various levels within the organization, but also outside it, selfless and always committed. “It can be said in one line that they presented themselves over many years in an exceptional way for the country and the people,” the president added. President Santokhi congratulates the staff for their hard work and urges them to wear the honors they deserve with pride, and also in honor of the many other hard workers of the institution who are also worthy of praise, and wishes the Suriname Psychiatric Center many years of Lustrum, in service to the human being in general and to the mentally disturbed man in general Special.

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