“Stick together,” Frans Timmermans addressed his supporters on Wednesday evening. Let’s do that, but as we embrace each other, let’s also look at how we got here, on this first weekend in a country where the far-right party is the largest.
This summer, one propaganda specialist after another confirmed that this election would finally focus on content. For Peter Omtzgut, this meant that he, the satisfied man, took the lead for a while. But when the campaign began, it turned out that voters, or should I say talk show editors, also found the content a bit boring. Thus the first essential point, that the VVD had plunged us into an administrative crisis at the expense of refugee children, quickly faded into the background.
In return, we received endless repetition of campaign slogans with the occasional hint of a position. It was possible together, according to Timmermans, but what was possible together? Hit a bus shelter together, or raise the minimum wage together? I learned that France likes carbonara with pork and that he listens to Taylor Swift. He had to be honest about the fact that we had an asylum problem.
Then there was “I’m on your side” by Yesilgoz. I wanted to know what she would do on my part: would she push me into the pool on my part, or would she cancel all forms of cultural support on my part with Wilders? I did not know. Just that according to her we have an asylum problem.
The CDA wanted a respectable Netherlands, without asylum problems, whateverAnd from BBB I remember that BBB everything gets better every day. But not for asylum seekers, the BBB voter is done with that.
From now on, posters containing the most important points from the electoral manifesto will be mandatory: it will not be a luxury. Because the result of this paper populist slogan was the creation of an actual vacuum through which the party leaders could demand whatever they wanted. When Timmermans during One today– Debate Referring to the CPB’s calculations, which showed that average incomes improved less under them than under GroenLinks-PvdA, Yesilgoz said: No, that is not the case – and that was the case. Anyone who went to cpb.nl could see she was lying. But Yeselgoz knew that not everyone would do that, but instead everyone would think: Then the truth would be somewhere in the middle. The fact that the debate leader didn’t intervene was maddening.
Then Geert Wilders suddenly became the biggest on Wednesday with a crackdown on asylum seekers. Just like this. You could see some fear in the eyes of Simon Waymans and Rob Tripp, but then television had to be made. Join us as a political translator. The word Muslims were mentioned. Perhaps Wilders wanted something of that. As if he hasn’t talked about the asylum tsunami in years, as if the fact that he is pro-Putin, against supporting Ukraine, wants to leave the European Union, wants to abolish the Senate, wants to ban the hijab – well, as if all that didn’t exist.
“What could this mean? Did Jesseljos make Wilders polite? No, I wanted to answer, no Nonprofit Wilders has made Salonavahej, by calling out far-right politicians, not checking their facts, by reporting on the FRD as if it were a normal party, by saying in the days before the election that Wilders seemed more moderate, as if he everyone. This chatter was not actually on the line with Viktor Orbán.
“It seems like Wilders wants to take responsibility,” she said, without anyone mentioning that if Wilders took responsibility, the nonprofit would soon cease to exist. “And now we’re going to Schiermonnikoog.” Yes, you scream at the TV, and then you lose your job.
Years of neoliberal destruction have opened the door wide to Wilders’ scapegoat policy, and the media has found the scene. It is time to redefine the concept of journalistic independence: the desire to remain neutral at all costs while someone rubs your neck has nothing to do with impartiality. You don’t have to report your downfall, you can just rebel against it. It’s a small consolation: If the nonprofit ceases to exist in four years, it will be very difficult for the Freedom Party to become the largest again.
Leki Marsman is a writer and poet.

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