If you want to insure an Urban Arrow electric cargo bike, you can no longer always call ANWB for insurance. Only models that can be tracked using the tracker remain secured.
In het kort
- De ANWB is gestopt met het verzekeren van Urban Arrow-bakfietsen zonder tracker, vanwege diefstal
- Alleen als eigenaren bij een dealer een tracker hebben laten inbouwen om de bakfiets te kunnen volgen, is er nog een verzekering bij de ANWB beschikbaar
- De ANWB liet eerder deze week weten ook te stoppen met het verzekeren van fatbikes
According to an ANWB spokesperson, Urban Arrow cargo bikes are “very popular” with thieves, especially in the Randstad.
Unigarant, the ANWB’s insurer, confirms that the company will stop insuring its popular electric cargo bikes without trackers in 2022. This happened after reporting from a consumer program radar.
ANWB announced Monday that it will temporarily stop insuring bicycles. In recent years, fat tire electric bikes have become very popular not only among consumers, but just like the Urban Arrow, also among thieves.
According to the ANWB, the question is not if the fat bike was stolen, but when. The damage recovered from bicycle insurance would have risen to 800 percent of the insurance premium.
Univé also no longer insures bicycles
Unive also announced that it will stop insuring bicycles with immediate effect. According to the insurance company’s spokesperson, the numerous thefts pose a very high risk. The spokesperson says Univé does not offer an insurance freeze on Urban Arrow bikes at this time.
Centraal Beheer reports that the insurance company has identified a large number of e-bike thefts. The company is investigating the necessary actions to limit the damage.
According to the police and the Dutch Association of Insurance Companies, bike owners should do more to prevent theft of their e-bikes. This can be done, for example, by installing a tracker with which a stolen bicycle can be found, or by securing the bicycle with an additional lock.

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